Six legs, hard scale and two big wings 

Beetles live in gardens with trees and swings

Unlike fly, butterfly, bug, etcetera

They hide their wings inside hard elytra


Neither a lady, nor a bird

Ladybird is a beetle, as named by a nerd

They have many scientific and cultural names

Kids catch them to play good  luck games 

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With red and black dots, ladybirds are showstoppers

They feed on plant eaters- aphids, mites, and leafhoppers

They wipe off the garden pests and protect our garden

On rainy days they come indoors and beg your pardon


Scarab beetles are elliptical, with a strong body

Coloured red-brown and black, many call them gaudy

Some eat insects and  fruits, some eat plants old and rotten 

In extreme hot or cold, they’d be dead and forgotten


Dung beetles have a round body that is all  black

Can lift 100x their weight, strength they don’t lack

They eat dung, as the name begotten

They are also scarab beetles, but that is often forgotten


Mango stem borers are pretty large

They live in mango gardens, and eat plant discharge

With long antennae and long legs

On the mango trees they lay their eggs

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Oval shaped bodies, brown and slender

Towards the plants, they’re kind and tender

This beetle is called weevil

Because they eat grains, farmers think they’re evil

They also have a long snout

They love millets, bird seeds and beans that sprout

Unlike rice and maize weevil, who don’t have to try

Granary weevils cannot fly, they cry


~ The End ~


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