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Chapter 1 A Balcony. Erin loved her balcony more than any other part of her home. It was a place where she could relax and talk to her best friend – a potted tomato plant whom she lovingly called Mr. Plant. Mr. Plant was very kind and wise, and always offered Erin fresh tomatoes to
Erin and Mr. Plant. Read More »
Chapter 1 A Balcony. Erin loved her balcony more than any other part of her home. It was a place where she could relax and talk to her best friend – a potted tomato plant whom she lovingly called Mr. Plant. Mr. Plant was very kind and wise, and always offered Erin fresh tomatoes to
Erin and Mr. Plant. Read More »
Chapter 1 A fight begins. One hot summer afternoon, the Fruits and the Leaves were fighting while sitting under the shade of a tall Oak tree. They were fighting about which among them was the most important for human beings. Chapter 2 Who is better? The Fruits said that since they were the most juicy,
The Wise Oak Tree. Read More »
Chapter 1 Summer Games. It was a summer evening. Rohan and Ram were playing in their backyard. The noise of their playing filled the backyard with joy. Mohan, Ram’s brother, came out to see what they were doing. He saw that Ram and Rohan were playing a sword fight by using branches of a mango
Trees: Our Best Friends. Read More »
Chapter 1 A plant. Mr. Plant’s root, stem, leaves, flowers and fruits were all one big happy family. They had always helped each other out, but recently, the root had started to feel ignored by the others. The others had been busy enjoying the sunlight and breathing fresh air above the ground, while the root
Chapter 1 A Pretty Butterfly. In a jungle far, far away, a beautiful butterfly laid a hundred little eggs. She was eager to see them turn into beautiful tiny butterflies like herself, but she was disappointed when the eggs hatched into tiny worm-like insects. None of them had pretty wings or a long proboscis. Chapter
The Mother Butterfly and Her Advice. Read More »
Chapter 1 Marching Ants. One rainy morning, some ants were merrily marching together on a tree branch. Their happy march came to a sudden stop when the leader saw a huge gap between their branch and the next branch. How would they cross over? Chapter 2 How to cross? There was no bridge to help
The Intelligent Ants. Read More »
Chapter 1 Welcome to Mandu. There was an alien city named Mandu. The aliens of mandu were quite lazy. They threw garbage anywhere instead of throwing it in a dustbin. Soon the houses started stinking. The whole city started stinking. Piles of debris were seen at different places. This attracted a strange creature, and it
Chapter 1 A Butterfly Land. There was a butterfly land. All the butterflies of the land had beautiful wings. So, they all felt superior to all other insects. Chapter 2 A Fairy Visitor. One day, a fairy butterfly visited the butterfly land. She had beautiful four wings and six legs. The land had so many