Chapter 1
A Balcony.
Erin loved her balcony more than any other part of her home. It was a place where she could relax and talk to her best friend – a potted tomato plant whom she lovingly called Mr. Plant. Mr. Plant was very kind and wise, and always offered Erin fresh tomatoes to eat.
Chapter 2
A Nasty Surprise.
But Erin hadn’t visited him for almost a week because summer vacation had started and she was busy playing with her human friends. One evening, when she remembered Mr. Plant and went to see him, she was shocked to find him looking very sick and weak. His leaves had turned yellow and dry, and the tomatoes were rotting too. She feared that Mr. Plant was dying.
Chapter 3
What to do?
“Don’t worry Erin. When I die, I will help other plants grow by becoming manure and providing them nutrition”, said Mr. Plant, with a weak but friendly smile.
“But I don’t want you to die! You’re my best friend, and you always take care of me. Now, it’s my turn to care for you. Please tell me what you need”, said Erin, with tears in her eyes.
Chapter 4
Erin learns.
In a low voice, Mr. Plant began to explain to Erin exactly how she could help him. “I need only a little sunlight, so I can photosynthesize food in my kitchen. But the scorching heat of the summer is burning me up. So, it would help if you could water me regularly and put up a shade cloth above me.” Erin was listening to this very carefully.
Chapter 5
A Pest.
Mr. Plant continued, “I am also being disturbed by some unwanted guests who are eating away my tomatoes – these caterpillars”, he said, pointing at the green creatures trying to chew into one of his tomatoes.
Chapter 6
A Friend.
“Isn’t there some kind of medicine that I can spray to kill the creatures that are bothering you?”, Erin asked politely. Mr. Plant immediately shook his head, “Some of my friends used pesticides, but these chemicals harmed them as well as those who ate their fruits. What I really need is the company of my old friends Mr. Basil and Mrs. Ladybug. Back in the day, Mr. Basil and I used to fight off such pests together as companion plants. And when Mr. Basil was busy, my predator friend Mrs. Ladybug used to help me out.”
Chapter 7
A Smile Restored.
“Don’t worry Mr. Plant, I will help you get together with your friends and bring you whatever you need”. Erin kept her promise and did everything Mr. Plant had asked of her. In just a few days, Mr. Plant started looking healthy and happy. His good health made Erin very happy too, and she decided to never neglect her friend again.
The End.