Chapter 1
Two Kingdoms.
The Human Kingdom and the Bee Kingdom are very close allies today, but this was not always the case. A very long time ago, humans had declared war against bees. The king of the Human Kingdom thought that bees were harmful because they attack humans with the stings they hide behind their bellies.
Chapter 2
Bees and Humans.
The bees were sad and scared because humans thought of them as harmful and unfriendly organisms. One day, after a lot of discussion with her ministers, the Queen Bee decided to visit the king of the Human Kingdom. She was surrounded by thousands of worker bees who were guarding their beloved queen.
Chapter 3
The Talks Begin.
The king welcomed the Queen Bee with some fear, afraid that she might attack him. But the Queen Bee was very friendly.
She said to the King, “As the ruler of the Bee Kingdom, it is my duty to fight for our honor. This war is not only harming us, but also your entire kingdom.”
Chapter 4
The Helpful Bees.
“How is our war against you harming us?”, the king asked, confused by the Queen Bee’s claim.
The Queen Bee replied politely, “You see, we are very social, selfless and hardworking. We help the entire Human Kingdom. We use our proboscis to suck nectar from flowers and mix the nectar with our own saliva to make the sweet and delicious honey that humans like to eat. We pollinate flowers so they can become fruits that humans then eat.
Chapter 5
Even More Help.
“We even make the wax that humans use to create candles. We also build beautiful, compact beehives with hexagonal rooms for ourselves so that we can all live in a small space without disturbing your large homes. And yes, each one of us has a sting behind the belly, but that doesn’t mean that we sting everyone. We only use it to protect ourselves when we think someone is trying to hurt us.”
Chapter 6
A Lasting Peace.
The king was pleasantly surprised to know the many ways in which bees help humans.
He thanked the Queen Bee and asked his army to stop the war. Since then, humans and bees have lived together happily with great respect for each other.
The End