The Intelligent Ants.

Chapter 1

An Ant Colony.

Long long ago, there existed an Ants Island. In an ant hill covering half of the island, there lived hundreds of tiny black ants. They lived in a colony ruled by Queen Antlanta. The queen had laid two hundred eggs last week and the entire colony was preparing for a grand feast to mark the birth of larvae.

Chapter 2

Ant’s Song.

There was a Queen, there was a Drone;

They fell in love, and  babies were born;

Congratulations and celebrations;

Queen Antlanta has prospered our nation;

She has mighty wings and a big belly;

Tonight we will feast on cake and jelly.

Chapter 3

A tale of two teams.

The worker ants were on a spree. They divided themselves into two teams- Team Care and Team Collect. Team Care looked after the eggs while Team Collect left the hill to gather food for the big feast. They spent the entire day collecting food and carrying it back to the hill.

Chapter 4

The Workers.


We are worker ants, the homemakers;

For the larvae, we’re the caretakers;

We gather food and build the nest;

Most hardworking unlike the rest.

Chapter 5

An enemy attack.

Everyone was ready for the feast when they heard a loud siren call.

Group of ants 1: Warning! Warning! It’s an EMERGENCY

Group of ants 2 : Run, run, run!! It’s the Thug Bugs!!  They’ve invaded us!

Group of ants 3: We’re being looted!

Chapter 6

Thug Bugs.

Thug Bugs broke into the ant hill and took away all the stored food. The next day, the soldier ants returned from their march.

On seeing the crying ants, the soldiers turned red with anger.

Chapter 7

The War Begins.

Soldier Ants: ” This is a WAR!! The Thug Bugs took advantage of our absence. Now we will teach them a lesson!”

Chapter 8

The Queen Speaks.

The entire colony gathered in the common hall. The queen releases pheromone to address the ants loud and clear :

“My dear ants

Pull up your war pants,

It’s time to fight,

And defeat wrong with right”.

Chapter 9

The Army Assembles.

On hearing the speech, the ants were moved to step forward.

A team of weaver ants and carpenter ants left their tree trunks to join the soldiers.

Chapter 10

The Attack.

Carpenter ants were Team Arms. They had the responsibility to build the weapons. With their strong mandibles, they cut out dry wood to make sharp arrows for the soldiers. Ready to attack, the army marched ahead towards Bug Hut.

Chapter 11

The Soldier’s Song.


The brave ones are called the soldiers;

They have huge responsibility on their shoulders;

To protect all their pals, they swear;

Their power no enemy can bear.

Chapter 12

Time to surrender.

Ant General:

“Thug Bugs! You’re surrounded from all sides. Return our food or else we’d have no option but to attack!”

Chapter 13

Bug Leader is Proud.

Bug Leader: HAHA! You tiny ants will threaten us now? C’mon! Show us what you can do!

Chapter 14

Ant’s Attack.

The unit of weaver ants came forward and threw formic acid on the bugs. The acid burnt the skin of the bugs and they shouted in pain. The soldiers then took out their arrows and pointed them at the bugs. The bugs, proud of their bigger size, didn’t give up. They started flying to scare the ants. The ants finally attacked the bugs with their sharp arrows, injuring the wings of the bugs.

Chapter 15

Bugs Surrender.

Bugs cry:

Mighty ants, please don’t kill;

We’re sorry we doubted your skill;

We will return all your food;

And promise to follow the path that’s good.

Chapter 16

The Ants Win.

The ant army collected all the sweets, honeydew of aphids, and plant secretions, and headed back to the hill. On seeing the victorious ants return, the colony rejoiced and danced to their heart’s content.

Chapter 17

The Victory Song.


Congratulations and celebrations;

The soldiers have saved our nation;

They defeated the enemy bugs;

We welcome them with flowers and hugs.

The End.