Chapter 1
Summer Games.
It was a summer evening. Rohan and Ram were playing in their backyard. The noise of their playing filled the backyard with joy. Mohan, Ram’s brother, came out to see what they were doing. He saw that Ram and Rohan were playing a sword fight by using branches of a mango tree present in their backyard.
Chapter 2
Living Things.
Mohan instantly came to the place and told Ram and Rohan to stop hurting the tree. Ram and Rohan laughed at Mohan, as they thought Mohan didn’t know that trees are non-living creatures. Mohan sat down on the ground and asked Rohan and Ram to sit with him and started to explain why trees would get hurt and why he was stopping them.
Chapter 3
“You see, trees are just as alive as us. They can breathe, walk and eat,” said Mohan. Ram and Rohan were shocked, as they didn’t know this. Soon, Ram asked, “How can trees breathe?”
Mohan replied, “Trees breathe just like us. But they also take in carbon dioxide or CO2 from the air to give out the oxygen we breathe.”
Chapter 4
Ram and Rohan couldn’t believe this. They were amazed at how trees were helping them.
Rohan then asked, “How can trees eat?”
Mohan replied, “Trees use the light from the sun, water from the ground, and CO2 present in the air to make their food.”
Chapter 5
“You know, leaves are the kitchen of a plant as they make food by using the green pigment inside them called chlorophyll,” added Mohan.
Mohan brought a plant he was going to plant into the ground, and pointing at the roots; he said, “See, this is the root of the plant. Roots help the plant to drink water from the ground. Roots can be of 2 types, taproots and fibrous roots.
Chapter 6
Also, plants have different types of stems: soft and green stem, hard and woody stem, and weak stem. Climbers and creepers have weak stems, big trees have hard and woody stems, while small plants have green and soft stems.”
Chapter 7
Trees Move.
Mohan continued, “Not only this, see the banyan tree over there; that tree can move. See the roots hanging from it? They will seep into the ground and help the tree to move forward.”
Both Ram and Rohan were excitingly looking at the banyan tree.
Chapter 8
Our Friends.
Mohan added, “Trees also give us shade, fruits, and wood, as they are our friend,” Mohan added.
Ram and Rohan felt bad at their actions. Mohan comforted them and told them that it was okay, as they didn’t hurt the tree intentionally.
Ram ran up to the tree and hugged it. Rohan followed him, and he hugged the tree too.
Chapter 9
A Pledge.
Both apologized to the tree and promised to protect it and give him water every day.
They also promised that they would plant new trees every month.
The End.